PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can cause due to experiencing a traumatic event. It is related to mental health in which the nervous system gets affected. PTSD triggers chemical alternations in the brain. A small percentage of people undergo the state of PSTD after witnessing something unpleasant. For example, natural disasters, medical injuries, physical or sexual abuse, accidents, almost death, etc.

PSTD occurs due to an unpleasant event in which a person feels fearful, horrified, shocked, or helpless. A person with PSTD spends a disturbing life that affects activities and leaves a negative impact overall in his life.

Every problem has a solution. Our therapists are here to work with you by providing a comfortable environment where you will face your fear and fight against it. Our therapist will support you and add positivity to your life to make you feel relaxed.


To schedule an initial 15-minute consultation, contact our office by email or phone.

There is no charge for the initial consult. Send us a message about scheduling and availability.

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